press release

press release
press release



PSPL Return to play

PSPL Return to play

May 15, 2020

Club officials:

The “green light” to return to competitive youth soccer continues to depend on the Governor of the state of Washington and on approvals from various health organizations. 

We are currently in Phase 1 of the governor’s four-phase state plan to reopen the economy. Please see state chart:  Return to Play plan and scroll down to bottom of page. 

We are hopeful that with new safety protocols in place, we can return to the soccer fields in the near future. Please see our Safe Soccer guidelines below for returning to play here: SAFE SOCCER

For clubs, we have included club-related guidelines that San Diego Surf has established based on what California government officials are requiring youth soccer clubs. These are merely guidelines that could be useful for PSPL clubs as you work out your safety protocol details for returning to play. You can find them here: Clubs Return To Play Guidelines.

With the reopening starting to occur and to help you plan for the future, the 2020 PSPL SOCCER Calendar has been updated once again. This document includes newly updated league and WA Cup dates, as well as backup dates that may yet be further impacted by COVID-19.

While more delays are a possibility, the PSPL is doing its best to make sure there are options for teams to play competitive soccer as soon as possible.

In the meantime, remember that all US Club Soccer-sanctioned events are suspended until May 18. That means liability or medical insurance claims will not be honored until US Club lifts is suspension. US Club leadership has said in moving forward the organization will defer to local governments on the safe and appropriate Return To Play timeframe. 
Under our updated Return To Play summer plan, we are approaching this next stage in three phases: Re-Open, Summer League, and Restart. Find updated plan here: Return to Play.

It appears that some form of re-opening is imminent for clubs and players. The governor has hinted that a date in June appears the likely target for small-group training.  For that to happen, the Governor would have to declare that we've moved to Phase 2, which allows for groups of 5 or less to gather. At this time, clubs will be able to hold small-group trainings to help get players back on the field. 

In Phase 3 of the governor’s plan, the Summer League would kick off. We are cautiously optimistic that Phase 3 could be declared by July 1.

The Summer League is open to all ages to help clubs and players re-enter the playing field at a steady and moderated pace. We have outlined different start options based on when officials give us the green light. 

Finally, the Restart – Phase 4 of the governor’s plan - represents the end of the summer league and the beginning of the fall season. It will include WA Cup tournaments in August and the restart of the Fall League in September. 

Of course, we are fully aware these tentative plans could change. We also are fully aware that none of these events could happen this summer. Much depends on health issues beyond our control. As we learn more, we will continue to share and update with all of you. 

PSPL remains open and available to answer your questions as you plan to restart your soccer season. For more information, or general questions, please contact the league or email
By now, many of us know close friends and/or family who have suffered from the challenges of this current health crisis. But, we will get through these challenging times as a soccer family and as a soccer community. We are all in this together.

United by Soccer,


The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992


Letter from Kevin Payne regarding COVID-19

Suspension of soccer activities now through April 30

Letter from Kevin Payne regarding COVID-19

March 30, 2020

Dear members,

We hope all of you and your families, and those close to you, are healthy and safe as we all try to navigate these troubled times. Please be sure to practice good physical distancing (the new preferred term!), carefully wash your hands and face every time you return from a trip out of your home, and as often as possible while out, and be very careful to avoid crowds. Following these simple steps now will make a big difference in the near future as we all work together to reduce the trajectory of the coronavirus outbreak.

As you know, we took the unusual step of suspending all soccer activities under our jurisdiction, originally through Easter. In consideration of the latest guidance from the federal government, we are extending that suspension through April 30. We believe this is a very important time in our battle to contain the spread of the coronavirus, and are convinced that a more rigorous approach now will make a big difference. We will review medical and public health guidance later in April and provide updates at that time. While we all hope to return to play as soon as possible, the health and safety of our players, parents, referees and team staff are our number one priority. 

At this time, we have made no definitive decisions about our various regional and national events. We are speaking with our leagues and clubs daily and will be guided largely by what they believe will make the most sense given the many challenges you are all facing. We are studying potential alternatives to our normal event formats in case a different approach might make more sense for our members. We also are in contact with our college recruiting partner, ScoutingZone, to understand what they are hearing from college coaches about their plans to look at players.

Virtually all of our league partners have told us they are intent on completing their spring seasons, even though that might mean playing league games into July. We know that many clubs are being asked about refunds by concerned parents. We believe until a return-to-play date is established, and leagues agree on what will happen with the spring season, discussion of refunds is premature.

I've guided businesses through some very challenging times before, including the tech bubble bursting, post-9/11, and the 2009 global financial collapse. The situation we are now in is as bad as any of those times – maybe worse in some ways, given the uncertainty. But we cannot take counsel of our fears.

What I can tell you about each of those challenges is that while there were moments of great despair, when it looked like there was no clear way forward, our country and our sport ended up coming out of those difficult times stronger than ever. We did that by not giving in to our fears. By remaining determined and hopeful. By never losing sight of the fact that better days are ahead if we remain strong. Most of all, we did it by remembering that we are all bound together, and that working together we can meet any challenge.

US Club Soccer stands ready to help each of you in any way we are able. Our outstanding staff are all working – remotely, of course! – and available for you to reach out to at any time. We are all in this together!

On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff of US Club Soccer, we wish all of you good health and speedy return to normalcy.





Kevin Payne

CEO/Executive Director 

COVID-19 impact on youth soccer: Haley Carter provides advice for clubs and parents

COVID-19 impact on youth soccer: Haley Carter provides advice for clubs and parents

COVID-19 impact on youth soccer: Haley Carter provides advice for clubs and parents


COVID-19 impact on youth soccer: Haley Carter provides advice for clubs and parents ·

by Mike Woitalla @MikeWoitalla 

Upon the suspension of youth soccer activities because of COVID-19, United Soccer Coaches' Haley Carter reached out to clubs around the nation knowing players, parents, coaches and directors are concerned about the immediate and near-term future. We asked Carter, the Chair of the United Soccer Coaches Women Coaches Advocacy Group, to share her advice for America's youth soccer participants.

SOCCER AMERICA: What can clubs that expect financial hardship -- because of the cancellation of field spaces/events, requests from parents for refunds, and paying employees and/or 1099 contractors -- do at this point?

HALEY CARTER: While it maybe too early to know exactly what the financial impact may be, I do suggest checking out the Small Business Administration's COVID-19-related disaster assistance loans. They are currently offering loans for up to $2 million with 30-year payment terms (depending on your situation) for non-profit organizations at 2.75% interest.

SA: How do recommend a club react if parents ask for refunds?

HALEY CARTER: Each club, organization, environment, and market is different so I cannot make a single recommendation that applies in each context. However, I encourage clubs to

abide by their current, published refund policies. In some markets, we may be looking at a shorter term pause whereas in other markets, we may see full seasons canceled. These are decisions for the boards of clubs and organizations to lead and make and they know their markets best. Any decision to diverge from an existing refund policy can have significant financial impact to the clubs both now and in the future and should not be taken lightly.

SA: How would you advise parents who are thinking asking for a refund?

HALEY CARTER: Again, everyone’s situation is unique. For many families, they may need the funds that they’ve invested in their children’s activities to cover other expenses that have arisen as a result of COVID-19 shutdowns, pauses, etc. I would ask though that parents who do not immediately need those funds to consider the financial livelihood of the clubs/organizations their children participate in and in lieu of a refund, perhaps request a credit for a future season instead. Financial hardships are very much trickling down throughout the economy and it will be more difficult for clubs to receive refunds from their various commercial partners and further, it will be more difficult for them to help cover the expenses of their staff and coaches, whether employed or working in a contracting context.

SA: What should a club do if it's paid for a tournament that got canceled, or paid for the use of a field or facility for the period of time its unable use it because of COVID-19?

HALEY CARTER: The first question clubs should be asking is whether a tournament has an event insurance policy that covers cancellation. In many instances in major tournaments, this type of insurance is available to tournament organizers and can be used to help provide refunds to any participants, vendors, etc. We are still relatively early in our response to COVID-19 and while many tournaments and leagues have either canceled or postpone their events, it is taking time, as it is for everyone, for them to organize their own response.

With respect to field or facility rentals, clubs should consider checking their rental contracts for any force majeure clause that may allow them an out. If that is not available, then consider requesting a credit for use in a future date. A refund may be difficult for a space provider to offer but by obtaining a credit, clubs and organizations will be able to use the space at a future date without losing those funds.

SA: Are any resources you recommend?

HALEY CARTER: The NCAA page for Coronavirus updates, the US Youth Soccer Travel and Health Guidance, may be helpful. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidelines page.

Individual state associations and high school sporting bodies have provided guidance as well and I encourage clubs and various organizations to seek them out should for specific questions their areas.

SA: Anything else you'd like to add or address?

HALEY CARTER: This is going to be a difficult time financially for many organizations, their staff, coaches, players, and parents. I ask that everyone work together to find solutions that will enable the game to continue to grow. I applaud everyone that is working to get their players activities that they can do from home and I have seen some very unique and creative ideas to engage athletes during this time. It is important that we stick together as a community now and as we move forward. (Haley Carter is the Chair of the United Soccer Coaches Women Coaches Advocacy Group. She is currently the goalkeeper coach for the Antigua and Barbuda women's national team, and has been the assistant coach of Afghanistan women's national team, and coached as a volunteer assistant at Huston-Tillotson, Sam Houston State, and the University of Houston. Carter has an MBA from the University of Liverpool and is pursuing a dual JD/LLM from the University of Houston Law Center. Her playing career included D1 ball at the United States Naval Academy and professional with the NWSL (Houston Dash). She's been assistant coach of Huston–Tillotson University and Sam Houston State University, and the Afghanistan women's national team.)


US Club offers Short-term summer registration price for PSPL members

Short-term summer registration price for Puget Sound Premier League members

Short-term summer registration price for Puget Sound Premier League members

March 18, 2020

Dear Puget Sound Premier League members,

Recognizing the timing of tryouts and to accommodate new players or those who change clubs as a result, we are introducing a new short-term summer registration price for members within the Puget Sound Premier League.

More specifically, the price for a 2019-20 competitive player membership will be automatically reduced to $8 if purchased:

• On or after May 11, 2020

 • Via the Governing Seasons section of the National Registration System (NRS), powered by SportsEngine

 • Via a team that is affiliated with Puget Sound Premier League within the NRS.

The registration will be valid through the end of the 2019-20 Governing Season (July 31, 2020). Please note that players transferring clubs during this time period will still need to be released by their previous club, which is completed by someone with Org Admin or Governing Season Admin permission canceling the player’s membership with US Club Soccer. Ensuring this is completed before the new membership is purchased will expedite processing.

For clarification, if not already completed, Puget Sound Premier League staff will need to accept the team affiliation within the NRS for the discounted price to take effect. Please verify the affiliation is complete before purchasing the membership. If you have any questions, please contact


The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992

3/11/20 Update

3/11/20 Update

3/11/20 UPDATE to Coronavirus Policy 

 March 11th2020 


PSPL Clubs:

The PSPL will follow the lead from the Washington state Governor and King County Health Deptartment recommendations that were issued today, March 11, 2020.

  • All PSPL games statewide will be postponed until after April 1, 2020.
  • We are evaluating how the new statewide policy will impact PSPL Spring events. 

The corona virus is an ever evolving health crisis that the league will continue to monitor closely.
As soon as there are changes to the crisis we will update everyone on the way forward.

In the meantime, please get informed on the corona virus as the safety of our players and community is our top priority. We urge everyone to follow the health department protocols to take proactive measures to stay healthy.




King County Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Public Health recommendations to protect our community

 COVID-19 Public Health Recommendations available in PDF format


 Health Agency Resources:  


The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992



UPDATE to Coronavirus Policy 

 March 6th2020 


PSPL Clubs:

With the recent cases of the COVID-19 Coronavirus virus in Washington state, we wish to communicate to all PSPL clubs, teams, players, coaches, game officials & families about best practices to protect everyone at soccer events.

At this time, PSPL competitions  will continue as scheduled for March 7 and March 8 match dates. We will continue to monitor the situation, and update if there are any changes to this plan. In addition to the CDC & Washington Department of Health recommendations, please see the recommendations below for PSPL games & practices in order for us all to protect ourselves and those around us.

  • Players or parents feeling ill should not attend PSPL soccer matches or practices 
  • No handshakes, high fives, fist pumps, chest bumps, huddles, group celebrations, etc. 
  • No pre or post game handshakes between players, coaches & officials - teams should continue to show good sportsmanship by clapping or cheering for the opposition team 
  • Water bottles should NOT be shared
  • If you bring food or drinks to games, please ensure that you discard of any items yourself 
  • All players & teams are advised to carry & use hand sanitizer

To help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, please follow these important tips:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • All adults and children should stay home when sick. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Individuals with chronic health issues and/or individuals experiencing severe symptoms should be evaluated by a medical professional

 Health Agency Resources:  

The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992

PSPL Coronavirus Policy

PSPL Coronavirus Policy

Please review Coronavirus Policy 

 March 3rd2020 


The health and safety of Puget Sound Premier League's 50,000 US Club Soccer players and families is our top priority. Due to the apparent increasing risk of the new coronavirus spreading in pockets across the state and across country, the PSPL believes it is appropriate to follow several critical steps to avoid advancing the virus:

  • As of Tuesday, league matches will continue as scheduled for this upcoming weekend - March 7-8.
  • The league believes, in the exercise of caution beginning match weekend March 7-8, that all players refrain from shaking hands between team captains at the coin toss and between referees, players and coaches during pre-game and post-game.
  • We ask clubs, coaches, managers and players not to take offense if individual referees decline your handshake until more clarity is brought to the Coronavirus on how it is spread and to its risks.
  • Please educate yourselves about the virus and follow the advisories of the Washington state Department of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization. Links to these organizations can be found below.
  • The league will follow the recommendations, the advice, and the leadership of these health organizations.
  • According to these organizations, the risk of catching this virus remains low but some regions of the country, including Washington state, have seen wider outbreak of cases.
  • Still, none of the health organizations have urged healthy people to stay home; rather, they are urging everyone to use precautions and common sense. Please see their advisories and recommendations below.
  • The league will be monitoring the health agencies and will follow their recommendations if they change.



 Health Agency Resources:  

The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992

B04s took on Vegas

B04s took on Vegas

PSPL Surf Academy B04 Team Traveled to Las Vegas! 

LAS VEGAS – February 21st2019 - Our PSPL Surf Academy Boys '04 Team had a very successful trip to the Las Vegas Mayor's Cup Showcase over the President's Day weekend. The boys finished with two wins and a draw in group play, winning their group, before losing a close quarter-final match 1-2 against Downtown LVSC Gold 04, the No. 3 ranked B04 team in the Nation and eventual tournament champions.  Our PSPL Surf Academy boys recorded wins against Liverpool FC Michigan Central 04 Academy  and Riverside City FC 04 Academy and drew 1-1 with HVV Hollandia from the Netherlands. 

"This event continued to showcase the quality players that we have in our PSPL Surf Academy program," said Surf Academy Coaching Director Erik Oman. "To be able to compete as a showcase team against clubs of this quality who train together day in and day out throughout the year is a testament to the intelligence and the quality of our players and the superb leadership of our coaches.  Peter Osborn has done a fantastic job coaching this group."

The B04 team, along with the majority of our PSPL Surf Academy teams will next be traveling to Denver, Colorado and Cerritos, Calif., over the Memorial Day weekend to compete in the Real Colorado Showcase and the Cerritos Memorial Challenge Cup.

Learn more about the academy:  Click Here

View their results:  Click Here

The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992

PSPL Surf Academy Recap

PSPL Surf Academy Recap

PSPL Surf Academy Teams Continues to Outperform!

SEATTLE – September 13th2019 - Congratulations to every PSPL Surf Academy player and team this past tournament season! Many of our academy teams won their showcase divisions, or in the case of the Boys 2004, won the Real Colorado Showcase in a playoff format!

Equally important, our players continue to attract the attention of college scouts and are continuing to receive offers from college soccer programs across the country!

We are looking forward to hosting tryouts for the Surf Juniors in November and for the older players in early December.

Click the following links to learn more about the Academy and tryout dates, or browse through our articles below to review the many acomplishments of our PSPL Surf Academy squads:

Learn more about the academy:  Click Here

Register for tryouts:  Click Here

The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992



Nine PSPL Surf Academy Junior Teams Travel to Canada!

SURREY – August 30th2019 - Congratulations to the Surf Academy teams this past weekend! With seven first place finishes against international competition, our academy programs showed that they can compete against the best in the region! 

Click the links below to review each teams efforts during the SX International Cup.

PSPL Surf Academy B08  |  Shedule and Results

PSPL Surf Academy G08  |  Shedule and Results

PSPL Surf Academy B07 PUGET  |  Shedule and Results

PSPL Surf Academy B07 SOUND  |  Shedule and Results

PSPL Surf Academy G07 PUGET  |  Shedule and Results

PSPL Surf Academy G07 SOUND  |  Shedule and Results

PSPL Surf Academy B06 PUGET  |  Shedule and Results

PSPL Surf Academy B06 SOUND  |  Shedule and Results

PSPL Surf Academy G06  |  Shedule and Results

The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992



Drew Brees partners with Surf to bring opportunities to young athletes!

SAN DIEGO – August 2, 2019 - NFL Quarterback Drew Brees is passionate about the transformative power of sports and in providing opportunities for boys and girls of all ages.

As a father of 4 children, Drew and his wife Brittany are committed to giving back to local youth in their offseason home – San Diego. From Drew’s charitable work through his Brees Dream Foundation, to his nationwide flag football league, Football N’ America (FNA),” my goal is to impact the lives of kids through sport. Sports have played a huge role in my life and I’m thrilled about joining and sharing my energy and experiences with the leadership team at Surf Sports. Surf Sports is the perfect partner for me and my family, and I believe our impact and reach will extend well beyond our local community,” said Brees.

San Diego’s Surf Sports is nationally renowned for professionalism, elite facility & event management, high quality coaching and most importantly a deep commitment to athletic development and life-changing power of sports. Surf Sports has over 1000 local kids in our program and another 15,000 nationwide. Our mission is to create experiences and opportunities for kids and we’re excited to announce our next step towards furthering our goal by partnering with Drew.

“With our shared vision and mutual commitment to youth development, this is a powerful partnership,” said Brian Enge, Surf Sports.

“Drew’s involvement will help continue to grow the Surf brand to be synonymous with opportunities for youth sports development here in San Diego and nationwide. As a Super Bowl Champion, but more importantly as a father, it’s evident that Drew is passionate in the ever-growing future of youth sports and we are honored to have Drew be a part of our team,” added Enge.

Drew is now an investor in Surf Sports, board member and sits on the leadership team.

The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992

RAGE Showcase

RAGE Showcase

PSPL Surf Academy Comes Out on Top!

PLEASANTON – July 22, 2019 - Two PSPL academy squads participated in the RAGE Showcase this past weekend, and performed exceptionally well! Between the 04G and 05G squads, our academies produced 5 wins out of 8 games.

The 05G team finished on top of their bracket after amassing a total of three wins, while the 04G squad finished with two wins and two losses by less than a goal!

Click the links below to review each teams efforts during the RAGE College Showcase.

PSPL Surf Academy 05G  |  Shedule and Results

PSPL Surf Academy 04G  |  Shedule and Results

The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992

2019 Surf Cup

2019 Surf Cup

PSPL Surf Academy Send Three Teams to San Diego!

SAN DIEGO – July 22, 2019 - Three PSPL academy squads are participating in the premier summer tournament for youth soccer down in San Diego!

These three teams have the oppurtunity to play against the best in the nation under the eyes of over 500 college scouts and coaches.

Stay up to date with each team by following the links below. 

PSPL Surf Academy 04B  |  Shedule and Results

PSPL Surf Academy 03B  |  Shedule and Results

PSPL Surf Academy 02/03G  |  Shedule and Results

The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992

National Cup Update

National Cup Update

Four PSPL Teams Advance to Nationals!

COMMERCE CITY – July 19, 2019 - Four PSPL squads have earned advancement to the National Cup XVIII Finals, to be held July 19-23 in Commerce City, Colorado!

Proudly celebrating its 18th year as US Club Soccer’s cup-based national championship competition, the National Cup XVIII  is set to grow on the success of its 17 predecessors.

Teams in 13-U through 18/19-U age groups will advance to the National Cup XVIII Finals by winning a National Cup XVIII Regional or through qualifying state cups. National titles will be awarded in two divisions: Super Group (most competitive) and Premier Group.

The PSPL currently has the following clubs represented in the finals:

  • Washington East
  • Cheney Storm FC
  • Central Washington Sounders

Stay up to date with this article to find the links for all four teams participating in US Club's National Cup.

Central Washington Sounders 06B  |  Shedule and Results

Central Washington Sounders 05G  |  Shedule and Results

Washington East 05B  |  Shedule and Results

Cheney Storm FC 00G |  Shedule and Results

The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992

Crossfire Challenge Results

Crossfire Challenge Results

PSPL Comes Out on Top at the Crossfire Challenge!

REDMOND – July 17, 2019 - The PSPL had many teams compete in one of the Northwest's largest college showcase tournaments - and walked away with four championships and seven finalists!

This is the best showing of PSPL teams against primarily RCL and ECNL teams in 10 years, underscoring the growth and improvement among our clubs against the more established state association opponents. PSPL teams continue to narrow the competitive gap on the field and continue to surpass the state association leagues in terms of overall growth of competitive soccer in Washington state.  

The Puget Sound Premier League (PSPL) promotes open competition and puts players first across a suite of competitive and development platforms that culminates in our Washington National Premier League (NPL) division winners advancing to either the ENPL or NPL FInals. These national tournaments draw the top youth soccer clubs across the country.

Our clubs are finding success at the local, state and national level. Eastern Washington Surf G03 just won a national title at the NPL Finals and FC Edmonds G05 placed third. The outstanding showing by 11 of our teams at the Crossfire Challenge is just another example of the competitive progress our clubs are making. 

Here is the list of Champions and Finalists: 

Boys Champions

U15 Titans FC Puyallup  |  Shedule and Results

U18 ISC Gunners  |  Shedule and Results


Girls Champions

U15 Washington East  |  Shedule and Results

U18 Wenatchee FC  |  Shedule and Results


Boys Finalists

U15 Wenatchee FC  |  Shedule and Results

U16 Seattle Celtic  |  Shedule and Results

U17 Wenatchee FC  |  Shedule and Results

U17 Titans FC  |  Shedule and Results

U18 Washington East  |  Shedule and Results


Girls Finalists

U15 Seattle Celtic  |  Shedule and Results

U19 Titans FC  |  Shedule and Results

The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992

NPL Finals Update

NPL Finals Update

Five PSPL Teams Fight for it All!

COMMERCE CITY – July 13, 2019 - Five PSPL squads have traveled to Colorado for the chance to play against some of the best talent in the country!

The Girls NPL Finals features the champions of NPLs across the United States in 13-U through 18/19-U girls age groups. Teams play group games before advancing to knock-out rounds to determine the NPL champion in every age group. About 80 teams are competing for Girls NPL Finals titles this week.

The PSPL currently has the following clubs represented in the finals:

  • FC Edmonds
  • EW Surf SC
  • Highline Premier FC
  • Academy of Soccer Excellence 

Stay up to date with this article to find the links for all five teams participating in US Club's NPL Girls Final.

FC Edmonds Quiet Riot 05G  |  Shedule and Results

EW Surf SC WNPL 04G  |  Shedule and Results

EW Surf SC WNPL 03G  |  Shedule and Results

Highline Premier FC 02G  |  Shedule and Results

ASE Emerald 01G  |  Shedule and Results

The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992




Reign Academy joins the PSPL!

SEATTLE – April 12, 2019 - We are excited to welcome the Reign Academy to the Puget Sound Premier League for the 2019-2020 season. 

The Reign Academy is expanding beyond its US Soccer Development Academy Teams to offer Academy Reserves and Reign Pre-Academy teams. The Reign Academy will offer up to 17 teams for young women in the 2001 to 2010 birth-year age groups. 

The Reign Academy has announced it will play all of its Academy Reserves and pre-academy teams in the PSPL, starting in the Fall Season 2019. A potential of 12 Reign Academy teams will be competing for top league honors against our current and growing slate of competitive youth soccer clubs across the state of Washington.

The PSPL is sanctioned by US Club Soccer and offers competitive soccer leagues and tournaments for ages 9U to 19U and beyond. The league represents top clubs throughout Washington state and Northern Idaho and has been the fastest growing youth soccer league in the state. Since its inception more than ten years ago, the league now boasts more than 2,000 teams, nearly 70 clubs and more than 40,000 players. 

The PSPL is a designated US Club NPL League, which is the fastest growing national league platform in the country. The NPL national tournament brings together top clubs from around the country to determine national league champions. 

Reign Academy officials say Reserve teams will offer top players a DA-level training environment, but with more flexibility and a reduced time commitment. Reserve teams will compete in the 2003/2004, 2005, and 2006 age brackets. Reserve teams will compete in the PSPL, she said. Reign Academy Reserves players can be called up as Developmental Players to the DA teams, while players retain the opportunity to play with their high school teams.  

Reign Pre-Academy will offer emerging-elite players in the 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 age brackets a defined pathway to the DA and Reserves teams, Sittauer explained. Like the Reserves, Reign officials said, Pre-Academy teams will play in the PSPL. Reign will work closely with the league to place teams in age groups and divisions based on competitive levels.  

Reign Academy operates five teams in the U.S. Girls' Development Academy—the highest level of female youth soccer in the United States. DA teams offer comprehensive, focused, and intense training environments that are designed to develop elite-level players to their fullest potential, preparing them for D1 colleges, professional playing careers, and international soccer.  Reign Academy DA teams will train four times per week, with two trainings located on the east side and two trainings located in Seattle. Our Reign DA programs are closely aligned with the Reign FC first team. Reign DA players will receive a season ticket for the Reign FC home games and will have the opportunity to be coached by Reign FC players.

For additional information about Reign Academy please visit .
The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now has nearly 2,000 teams in 2019. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.

The PSPL offers multiple competitive divisions for boys and girls, from ages 9 to 19. The league offers coaching education seminars and sponsors licensed-coaching courses. It also sponsors the PSPL Surf Academy program, which is a super-charged version of Olympic Development Program, which attracts the league’s best players to form elite college showcase teams. The PSPL also hosts US Club’s PDP and id2 player identification program for Washington state. 

For more information on the PSPL, please visit:

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992

Tri-Cities to host Eastern Washington State Cup Qualifiers



SEATTLE, Jan. 14, 2019 -- The Puget Sound Premier League is pleased to announce that the 2019 Washington Cup - Eastern WA Qualifiers - will take place at the T-CYSA Soccer Complex in Pasco, Washington, on April 12-14.


"The T-CYSA Soccer Complex is one of the best in state. It boasts fine grass fields, abundant space and first-class dining and lodging options just minutes away," said PSPL President Stanley Holmes. "We want to share the Cup with different parts of Eastern Washington - and we are happy to bring this state qualifying cup to the Tri-Cities!"

“We are excited to host the Eastern Washington State Cup Qualifiers,” said T-CYSA President Stephanie Koerner. “What an exceptional opportunity for our recreational players to see more competitive teams from different areas! This increases the interest in soccer and promotes the Beautiful Game. The Tri-Cities area has many opportunities for dining, wine tasting, trampoline park, and a course a foot golf course nearby!”

The Eastern WA Qualifier tournament advances 11U to 14U teams to the Washington Cup Championship Finals - a knockout round that determines Washington state champions under US Club Soccer. Finals take place at The RAC @ Lacey, WA, on April 26-28.

The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing competitive soccer league in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now supports more than 2,000 teams at the end 2018. Entering its 12th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions, college standouts and passionate fans of the game – for life!

--The PSPL

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992

PSPL Surf Academy hires former Sounders’ player and college coach

Shawn Percell

Shawn Percell

SEATTLE, Oct. 17, 2018 -- The PSPL is pleased to announce the hiring of Shawn Percell as a head coach and assistant director for the Surf Academy. Shawn will also oversee the League monitoring and scouting program.


Shawn brings decades of elite coaching and playing experience to the academy and its players. Shawn recently was the associate head men’s soccer coach for Sonoma State University, in northern California. He was the assistant women’s coach for Seattle University for three years and the head coach for the Sounders Women W-League for the 2005 season.


Shawn, who holds a USSF “B” license, also coached at top youth clubs in northern California and in Washington state. In California, he coached for Santa Rosa United and North Coast Futbol Club and he also coached at Emerald City FC and Crossfire Premier.


Shawn will be the head coach for the Girls 2003 and Girls 2005 Surf Academy teams as well as conduct Surf Academy training sessions for Surf junior and senior players.


“We are very happy to welcome Shawn to the Surf Academy staff,” said PSPL President Stanley Holmes. “Shawn has tremendous experience as an elite coach and player, and he understands the challenging pathway to make it as a collegiate player. He is going to be a huge help for our players who want to play college soccer.”   


Shawn said he is excited to be back in the Northwest and help young and talented student athletes prepare for and succeed at the collegiate level. “I am grateful for this opportunity to give back to the game and help others pursue their soccer and educational goals,” Shawn said.  “I also want to thank Stanley Homes and the rest of the PSPL staff for incorporating me so quickly into the PSPL family.”


Shawn played four years at Santa Clara University.  His team made a Final Four appearance in 1998 and was a National Finalist in 1999. Shawn was named Final Four MVP and Team Offensive MVP in 1999.  He leads all Santa Clara teammates in career goals and assists. In the 1993-1994 season during high school, he played for the Borussia Dortmund U16 first team and later played for the Westfalia Herne U18 team in Germany, among other German and Dutch youth teams.


Shawn’s professional career also is impressive. Following graduation from Santa Clara, Shawn played for the pro club Belmopan Bandits, in Belize, Central America, where they reached the national finals in 2001. Shawn played for the Seattle Sounders A-League team between 2002 and 2004, reaching the National Finals in 2004.


He ended his professional playing career with the Sonoma County Sol in the National Premier Soccer League, a fourth-division semi-pro league in the United States. He led the team to national semifinals in 2007 and 2008 and captured a national championship in 2009. The team also reached the second round of the Lamar Hunt US Open Cup twice – 2009 and 2010.


Shawn is married and is raising three boys with his wife, Shannon, who is the athletic director for Green River College. Shawn also earned an MBA from Sonoma State University and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing, from Santa Clara University.


The Puget Sound Premier League, sanctioned by US Club Soccer, is the fastest growing league for competitive soccer teams in Washington State. The PSPL was founded in 2007 with 12 teams and now hosts more than 2,000 teams. In its 11th year, the league supports clubs that produce national champions and college standouts.


The PSPL offers multiple competitive divisions for boys and girls, from ages 9 to 19. The league offers coaching education seminars and sponsors licensed-coaching courses. The PSPL also sponsors the Surf Academy program, which is a super-charged version of Olympic Development Program that attracts the league’s best players to form elite college showcase teams. The PSPL also hosts US Club’s PDP and id2 player identification program for Washington state.

--The PSPL

League contacts:




· 1-800-662-6992