· Washington Cup Rules (B15U-B20U)

1. Player and Coach Passes and Affiliation:

· All players and coaches required to have a valid US Club ID card laminated with head shot picture which can be obtained at www.usclubsoccer.org.

2. Check-In

· A copy of the Official US Club Roster is due to the league office the Thursday prior to the start of play for WA Cup for all teams. They must be emailed to tournament@psplsoccer.com. Rosters are frozen at that time. No players may be added. Team Managers/staff must follow regular PSPL League pregame check in procedures at “home and away preliminary games”. 

· At “check-in” all teams must provide the following to tournament officials:

· 4 copies of the Official US Club Master Roster for certification

· 6 copies of the PSPL Game Day Roster Sheet for certification

· US Club Player ID and US Club Coach ID cards for review

· Present copies of the US Club medical release for all players

· Proof of compliance for concussion and cardiac arrest protocol

· After the match, the referee must complete and sign the PSPL Game Day Sheet. The referee must return 2 copies of the Game Day Roster sheets to each team. Each team must receive a home and visitor signed copy at the conclusion of the match. These documents shall serve as the Official Score Report. All teams must have a “reviewed” US Club Master Roster of their team “in hand” for each game. Extra copies of the “reviewed” US Club Master Roster must be available if the referee requests one. Teams are not required to exchange US Club Master Rosters and Game Day Roster Sheets for “venue based games”.

3. Tournament Format:

· This is a single-elimination tournament. Games start on Friday. All teams must be prepared to play on Friday, as early as 3:00pm. Teams are seeded according to League standings at the time of scheduling.  Each team will be guaranteed two games. In a rare exception, a team may only play one match if it loses the first one. That team will receive a partial reimbursement.

· Teams losing their first game will play a second tournament match on Saturday (dependent on when the team’s first game was played. There is a possibility of playing two games on Saturday.

· All finals are planned for Sunday.

      4.    Player and Coach Eligibility:

· Laminated and valid US Club Player ID and Coach ID cards (with head shot picture) are required for all players and coaches at “pregame and/or tournament check in”. If the individual picture is not on the US Club Soccer ID card or the card is not laminated, the individual will not be eligible to play or coach in the Tournament. Coaches must display their valid US Club Coach ID Card on a lanyard at all times.

·  All eligible players must be listed (and valid) on the club’s/team’s US Club Master Roster, which is to be submitted at check-in along with all US Club player ID and coach/staff ID cards.

· Only players designated at “check in” are eligible to play in the tournament.

· The US Club Master Roster is “frozen” prior to the first preliminary game or the date may be designated by the Tournament Director, and/or at “check-in” for the entire tournament.

· Washington Cup US Club maximum roster size is 20 players. No more than 18 can be listed on the PSPL Match Day roster sheet and play in any Washington Cup game.

· For each Washington Cup match, teams must present US Club player ID and Coaching staff ID cards with the attached and approved PSPL Match Day Roster Sheet to the referees. For all matches, a US Club roster and Match Day Roster sheet must be exchanged with the opponent prior to the start of the match. This exchange is not required at the venue based events, typically, the Semifinal and Final matches.

· PSPL/US Club players may only be rostered to one team in Washington Cup competition per "soccer year". Example: if an 16U player is rostered on an 17U team for the 17U Washington Cup he/she is not allowed to be rostered on the 16U team for the 16U Cup. One exception: Age appropriate players may play in the 15U-20U Cup and the 11U-14U Cup. They must be transferred to the roster of the team the player(s) are playing on, then moved back. The example: a 14U player rostered on a 14U team may play on a 15U team in WA Cup and then be re-rostered back to their 14U team to play in the 14U Cup. All other Washington Cup/PSPL player eligibility rules apply.

·  No “guest players” or “player passing” allowed in WA Cup events.

5. Special Covid Rules

· All Coaches, Players and Spectators must always mask-up while attending WA Cup matches.

· Players may remove their mask only while playing in the match.

·  Individuals violating the Mask-up Policy will be asked to leave the premises. Those not willing to leave will cause their team to forfeit or be disqualified from the tournament.

· · Due to Covid gathering restrictions, spectators are limited to two spectators for each player attending a match.

·  Because of ingress and egress restrictions, we ask that teams and spectators enter and exit the venues with efficiency, so we can limit the amount of people at each venue.

      6.  Match Lengths for 15U and Above:

· All WA Cup matches 15U plus will be 80 minutes, or two 40-minute halves with a five-minute halftime.

     7.   Scoring Method:

· Points will be awarded, up to a maximum of 10, as follows:

· 6 points for a win

· 3 point for a draw

· 1 point for each goal up to 3

· 1 point for a shut out

· Notes:

·  Forfeits will be recorded with a result of 1-0. The PSPL and the Washington Cup tournament committee reserves the right to impose sanctions on teams that forfeit matches. Forfeiting teams may be fined and/or expelled from the tournament and/or imposes other sanctions deemed appropriate by the PSPL and the Washington Cup tournament committee.

· In case of a tie in the standings within a group:

· A. “Head to head” Points (win/lose/draw) between teams.

· B. Goals Against

· C. “Head to head” Goal Differential between teams

· D. Overall Goal Differential (up to 5 per game)

· E. Goals For (up to 5 per game)

· F. Coin flip unless the tie is to determine advancement to "Gold and "Silver", or "Silver" and "Not advancing". In either of those scenarios, the tournament director will contact the teams involved to schedule Kicks from the Mark tiebreaker prior to the start of the elimination round.

  • If three or more teams are tied after the preliminary round, the tie breaker criteria listed will be used in the order shown, beginning with Criteria #A, to first eliminate, or second, advance one of the three teams. The remaining teams will then be compared, beginning again with criteria #1.

     8. Tie-breaker rule for elimination matches:

· If a game ends in a tie at the end of a “play in” match, quarter-final or semi-final match, the teams will proceed directly to kicks-from-the-penalty-mark where a winner will be decided. In the finals for 15U and above, there will be two 5-minute halves of golden goal. The team that scores first will be deemed the winner. If a match remains tied following the overtime, kicks-from-the-mark will decide the winner.

9. Substitutions:

· Substitutions are at the referee’s discretion. A substitution can take place at any stoppage with the referee’s permission.

· Unlimited substitutions are allowed but the PSPL reminds all coaches that it is their responsibility to handle their substitutions in a professional manner so as not to detract from the game.

   10.  Illegal players:

· Any player that does not appear on the US CLUB master roster shall be considered an illegal player. No guest players or No “player passing” allowed.

· Any team using an illegal player(s) shall forfeit each game the illegal player(s) were used. In addition, the guilty team shall be expulsed from the tournament and could face other sanctions from the PSPL and/or US Club Soccer.

    11.  Appeals:

· Referee judgment decisions are final and may not be appealed. Any other appeal must be verbally lodged with the referee and the opposing coach prior to the end of the match at the game site. The appeal must then be made in writing to the Tournament Director within two hours of the end of the match. The Tournament Director will review any appeal correctly filed under this rule. There will be a $200 non-refundable fee for any appeal that is filed. All decisions of the Tournament Director are final.

   12.  Shortened/Abandoned Games:

· Referees are the sole arbiter of the game clock. Their decisions regarding game length are final and may not be appealed. If games are shortened or abandoned for any reason, the Tournament Director reserves the right to determine how the game result shall be determined. Decisions by the Tournament Director in determining the official game result are final and may not be appealed.

    13.  Game Start Times:

· Referees will start the game clock at the designated time regardless of whether teams are ready to play. A referee may add time lost due to injury, but the game must conclude at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the next match. A five-minute grace period will be allowed for teams that do not have the minimum number of players to start the game.

    14.  Minimum Number of Players to start and finish a WA Cup match:

· For 15U and older a minimum of 7 players must start and end the match. If a team does not have the required number of players (after a 5-minute grace period), they will forfeit the game with the other team receiving eight total points.

    15.  Team Sidelines:

· Players and Coaches of both teams must be on one side of the field, spectators on the other side (unless otherwise specified by the field rules. Coaches, players, and spectators are not allowed behind the goal line, or closer to the goal line than the edge of the 18 yard penalty area line. Only those persons with a valid US Club player or coach’s card are allowed on the team’s side of the field. Coaches and Club Staff must have their US Club ID visible displayed on a lanyard around their neck to be on the Team sideline during the game. A maximum of 3 Club staff/coaches are allowed on the team sideline.

    16. Alternate Color Jersey:

· Each team must have an alternate jersey color. The home team (listed first) will be responsible for changing jerseys if there is a color conflict.

    17. Official’s Report and Score Reporting:

· Coaches must verify with the referee at the game’s conclusion that their score matches his report. All game results will be reported by the winning team’s manager using the mobile “Got Soccer” Score Reporting system. Referees also will submit match results to tournament headquarters, or a field marshal, immediately following each match. In the event of a conflict, the referee report shall be deemed the official score for the game.

    18. Cautions and Ejections:

· Any player receiving two yellow cards in a single match will be shown the red card and sent off and may not be replaced. Any player that receives a red card in a match will receive at least a one-match suspension (the next match). The tournament director may apply a greater suspension. Cautions and ejections received in the Washington Cup apply to Washington Cup only. Any PSPL cautions and/or Red cards received  during League play will carry over to the Washington Cup tournament.

· Any coach or team official that is ejected by the referee for unreasonable behavior from a match, must immediately leave the match site so as not to be within sight or sound of the field and will serve a minimum of a one match suspension, which may be increased depending on the nature of the ejection. In the event the coach or team official refuses to leave, the referee shall suspend the match and report to the Tournament Director who may rule the match a forfeit by the offending team.

    19. Player’s Equipment:

· No equipment shall be worn that is dangerous to another player, including any cast constructed of hardened material, without approval from the Tournament Director and/or the lead match official. Shin guards, covered by socks, are mandatory. All casts and equipment are subject to approval by the match referee and/or Tournament Director.

· The home team is responsible for supplying 3 game balls for the match.

20. Inclement Weather:

· In any event that play cannot be started or is stopped due to weather, teams will take cover, but will remain at the match site and proceed as follows:

· If time allows resume play and play to completion.

· If there is insufficient time to play the entire match, the game will be continued until the half is completed. The match will then be considered complete.

· The Tournament Director and/or the Head Match referee will coordinate any stoppage of play. The Tournament Director reserves the right to make whatever adjustments deemed necessary to proceed with the tournament schedule following delays due to inclement weather.

    21. Other:

· Trainers may or may not be provided at any of the tournament match locations. Teams are encouraged to bring first aid equipment as the tournament may or may not provide those items. Emergency services (911) are to be called for all injuries, both on and off the field.

· Rules governing match venues are posted at the various locations. All teams, coaches and spectators are expected to follow all posted venue rules. In addition, alcohol and swearing are not permitted at any location. Violators of these rules will be asked to leave the venue.

    22. Code of Conduct:

· Do not tarnish the game of soccer, the PSPL, US Club Soccer, USSF, your club, your Team, yourself or your family. Behave reasonably, respectfully, and ethically.

    23. In the event Washington Cup rules may be deemed insufficient, PSPL league rules       

               will apply.